GATE NUMERICALS TOPICWISE contains numerical questions with answer & solution of GATE question paper in Architecture & Planning. The year range is 1991 to 2022. The best part of this book is that the questions has been shorted topicwise. It’s been categorized into 8 Topics:
- Acoustics
- Illumination
- Structure
- Thermodynamics
- Housing & Estimation
- Aptitude
- Building Services, Planning & Miscellaneous
Each topic starts with Essential Theory which will help the aspirants to brush up the concepts before encountering any questions. This book is meant to hone your numerical solving ability.
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As the name suggests the book has all the numericals segregated as per the topic, it has give the imp data at the start of the topic and then the previous model question dated upto 1990s .. , its was very much use full for me for my numerical part.. I was able to solve 9 out of 12 numerical in gate 2021 all the numerical were covered in the book. Simple we can say best book for numericals