Hearty congratulations to all performers of GATE AR 2018. Those who could not take out their best need not to be discouraged. Try for Grants/Endowments/Scholarships in foreign universities. Few we have listed on our ‘Scholarship’ tab.
Poll results:
Was GATE AR 2018 easier than the previous year GATE 2017?
- Yes (60%, 153 Votes)
- No (40%, 101 Votes)
Total Voters: 254

What do you think the expected cut-off would be?
- 36 to 40 (45%, 103 Votes)
- 30 to 35 (25%, 57 Votes)
- 42 to 45 (19%, 43 Votes)
- 41 to 42 (12%, 28 Votes)
Total Voters: 231

How many silly mistakes/blunder you made while answering?
- More than 3 questions (56%, 132 Votes)
- 3 questions (22%, 52 Votes)
- 2 questions (15%, 36 Votes)
- 1 question (4%, 9 Votes)
- None (2%, 5 Votes)
Total Voters: 234

How many questions were asked directly from last 3 years of question paper?
- None (47%, 95 Votes)
- 3 to 5 questions (19%, 39 Votes)
- 2 questions (14%, 29 Votes)
- 1 question (12%, 24 Votes)
- More than 5 questions (8%, 16 Votes)
Total Voters: 203

The level of General Aptitude (GA) was?
- Easy (Low time consuming) (35%, 75 Votes)
- It was tuff. (32%, 69 Votes)
- Very easy (easier than last 3 years) (16%, 35 Votes)
- Can't say. (16%, 34 Votes)
Total Voters: 213

What about numerical questions?
- It was scoring and mostly formula based. (54%, 107 Votes)
- It was tuff and time consuming. (46%, 92 Votes)
Total Voters: 199

How many questions would you go for review/challenge?
- none (43%, 67 Votes)
- more than 2 questions (27%, 42 Votes)
- 2 questions (18%, 28 Votes)
- 1 question (12%, 19 Votes)
Total Voters: 156

What about this site (gatearchitecture.com)?
- It is good. (49%, 86 Votes)
- It is awesome. (34%, 59 Votes)
- Not sure but it needs a lot of improvement. (15%, 27 Votes)
- Misleading. Will never recommend. (2%, 4 Votes)
Total Voters: 176

If you have more to say about GATE experience, write in the comment box or email and we will publish it here.
Prasant says: This time paper was easy but the numericals were difficult. There was no pattern followed for the numericals. Even the obvious topics of numericals were not there.
Raunak says: Question was easy but some numerical were difficult…Overall easy paper..but pattern were not followed…
Rohit says: I Am still confused, half the answers i gave was correct , but after seeing this comments am in a dilemma of even cutt off . I think paper was easy but tricky to make students confuse in the question itself . Half of the students are interested in knowing the answers but i think its more about questions to understand. The whole point is to understand students concerned about the diverse design program in working as well as creative.
Mas says: Who the hell says that paper was easy , it was just like the previous year papers , the only fact is that most of the questions were tempting and made us feel like we know about their answers but reality was somewhat different . A decent paper I must say.
AK says: The paper wasn’t easy by any means. I guess everyone’ been just saying that it was easy. At the max, the cut off may increase by 2-3 marks from the previous year cut off, definitely not more than that.
This page discuss about the Question & Answer of GATE 2019. The answer provided here comes with a few explanations. If you need better explanations/ Essential Notes for Q&A of GATE 2019, you are recommended to buy the following eBook from our Instamojo store:
Following are questions asked in the exam: Questions are provided by the aspirants for the aspirants. Keep visiting for updates and answer with solution.
Solution: Area of triangle = 1/2 (Base*Height) = 1/2 (a*h) = 1/2 (a*a sin60°) = 1/2 (a2√3/2) = √3 (given)
So, perimeter of triangle = 3*a = 3*2 = 6 Answer
(courtesy: Pulkit Sudan)
Answer: (A)
Stairs: A set of steps.
Stares: A long fixed or vacant look.
Answer: (C)
Answer: (D)
Volume of cuboid = l*b*h = 10*8*6 = 480
Volume of cube = l3= 83= 512
Volume of cylinder = (perimeter)*(height) = 2πr*h = 2π7*7 = 615
Volume of sphere = 4/3* πr3 = 1432
(courtesy: Pulkit Sudan)
Answer: (C) 60
Answer: (C) 7
Answer: (A) 72
Answer: (B)
Answer: (A)
11. Assuming other variable remaining constant, the “Tropical Summer Index”
A. Increases with increase in air velocity
B. Decrease with increase in WBT (Wet Bulb Temperature)
C. Decrease with increase in globe temperature
D. Increase with increase in vapor pressure
Answer: (C) Yet to be verified!
Reference: http://www.ijirst.org/articles/IJIRSTV3I11086.pdf
12. Concentric circles in a solar chart represent
A. Azimuth angle
B. Altitude angle
C. Horizontal shadow angle
D. Vertical shadow angle
Answer: (B)
(Source: https://www.harvestingrainwater.com/sun-shade-harvesting/sun-path-diagrams/)
13. ‘Sight Distance’ is considered in the design of
A. Road intersection
B. Fenestration
C. Open kitchen
D. Auditorium
Answer: (A)
14. World Trade Center (WTC) in 2001collapsed due to
A. Wind load failure
B. Foundation failure
C. Thermal performance failure of reinforced steel in RCC
D. Thermal performance failure of structure steel.
Answer (C) Yet to be verified.
(courtesy: Gautham)
16. Sidi Bashir Mosque with ‘Shaking Minaret’ is in
A. Ajmer B. Allahabad C. Ahmadabad D. Amritsar
Answer (C)
17. A room of size 3m x 3m x 3m has reverberation time of 0.8 sec. The total absorption in the room is ________ sabin.
18. ‘Area based development’ and ‘Pan city development’ are part of
A. Smart city mission
B. Digital India mission
C. Swachh Bharat mission
D. Atal Innovation Mission
19. According to UN, component of ‘Inclusive growth’ is
A. Economic well-being
B. Physical infrastructure
C. Education
D. Life expectancy
20. Unit of Damp Proof Course (DPC) is
A. sqm B. m C. cum D. kg
21. LRTS stands for
A. Light Rail Transit System
B. Liner Rail Transit System
C. Light Rail Transportation System
D. Liner Rail Transportation System
22. Strength of M-25 is
A. 25 kg/sqm B. 25N/sqmm C. 250N/sqm D. 25N/sqm
23. In color wheel, Red and Blue color are
A. Tertiary B. Complementary C. Secondary D. Primary
24. Hall of Nations was designed by
A.Charles Correa
B. Raj Rewal
C. Joseph Allen Stein
D. A P Kanvinde
25. In CPM for time scheduling, ‘Forward Path Calculation’ is carried out for determining
A. LS and EF
B. ES and EF
C. LS and LF
D. ES and LF
26. Bamboo is
A. Shrub
B. Timber
C. Evergreen tree
D. Perennial grass
27. As per NBC, minimum rurning radius (in m) required for fire tender movement is
A. 8 B. 8.5 C. 9 D. 9.5
29. A 25 storey building has 5 lifts. Resulting waiting time is 35 sec and ‘returning time’ is 175 sec. The no. of lift required for reducing waiting time to 25 sec without increasing lift speed is ______________
30. ‘Town Planning Scheme’ refers to
A. Land renewal
B. Land rejuvenation
C. Land reclamation
D. Land readjustion
31. As per URDPFI, perspective plan is prepared for the duration of
A. 1 to 10 years
B. 11 to 15 years
C. 20 to 30 years
D. 30 to 45 years
32. The Equipment that is used for hoisting building material is called
A. Goods lift
B. Capsule lift
C. Gantry crane
D. Tower crane
33. In a bird eye view of a cuboid, maximum vanishing point is
A. 1 B.2 C.3 D.6
34. Rock-cut style is seen in
A. Shyama Raya Temple, Bishnupur
B. Kailash Temple, Ellora
C. Kandariya Mahadeva Temple, Khajuraho
D. Sanchi Stupa, Sanchi
35. Required indoor illuminance is 350 lux. Outdoor sunlight level illuminance is 9000 lux, If daylight factor is 2.7, find the amount of additional artificial lighting required.
(courtesy: Gautham)
36. Which of the following is not used in BIM?
A. Adobe Illustrator
B. Bentley Microstation
C. Autodesk Revit
D. ArchiCAD
(courtesy: Gautham)
39. 2 hectare plot with FAR 2. Ratio of residential to commercial is 3:2 and parking required for residential is 1 ecs per 100sqm, for commercial is 1.25ecs per sqm. Calculate total ECS.
(courtesy: Pulkit Sudan & Jia)
40. A housing with 60 dwelling units and 5 residents per du uses 135lpcd. If 80% of need is met by recycled water, what is the daily requirement of water?
(courtesy: Rounak Jain & Pulkit Sudan)
(courtesy: Gautham)
42. Match the options:
Shell structure – Bahai Temple, Delhi
Double dome – Cathedral Florence
Flying buttress – Notre Dame, Paris
Suspended floor – Olympic Stadium, Tokyo
(courtesy: Toseef & Gautham)
43. Match the options:
Xeriscaping-requiring little or no water
Drip line – outer most width of the tree
Turf with paver – solution for soil erosion and water permeability
Swale –
(courtesy: Gautham)
45. Question related to Stair width, Refuge area and Occupant load
46. Power supply is 330w. What will be the current if voltage is 110v with power factor 0.8? (Please cross check this question)
(Courtesy: Pooja Gangwar)
47. Dead load 18 tonne , live load 12 tonne , factor of safety 1.5 and load on column as 10 tonne/ sqm , area of footing in sqm________
(Courtesy:Mukul Anand Singh)
48. A builder develops 12 hectare site. Developmental cost is 300 million rs per hectare. Assuming the saleable area as 60% calculate the selling price in million per hectare so as to provide the builder a profit of 20%
(Courtesy: Pooja Gangwar)
51. The time duration of a project with optimistic time of 4 days, pessimistic time of 11 days and most likely time of 8 days is ____________
52. Two design options of a business building on a 10 hectare site are being compared for built up area. Floor to floor height of option A is 3.6m and that of option B is 4.5m. If maximum allowable building height is 45m with same ground coverage for both options, the additional built up area achievable in option A over option B is __________%
53. A building with 100 sqm roof area is connected to a 72 cum rain water collection tank. If the rain fall is 60mm/hr and the loss during water storage 20%, then the time taken to fill the tank completely is __________hrs.
54. Match city with planner:
P. Islamabad Q. Tel Aviv R. Bhubaneshwar S. Brasilia
1. Patrick Geddes 2. C A Doxiadis 3. Lucio Costa 4. B V Doshi 5. Otto Königsberger
55. In India, for 1.0 cum of M20 grade concrete, the number of cement bag is required is __________
56. The negative bending moment at fixed end of a cantilever (5m span) of UDL 10kN/m and point load of 20kN is _______
(figure not available)
57. An isolated enclosure shown in the figure has inlet P and outlet Q of 25 sqm each, on the opposite walls. The outdoor wind speed is 5m/sec. If coefficient of effectiveness is 0.6, the rate of natural ventilation in the enclosure due to wind action is __________cum/hr
(figure not available)
58. Match built forms with descriptions
P. Agora Q. Ziggurat R. Mastaba S. Synagogue
1. Custodial precinct
2. Place of Jewish worship
3. Building diminishing stage of masonry with buttressed wall
4. Market place
5. Tomb made of mud brick
59. Match Temple with Dynastic period
P. Brihadeshwara Temple Q. Kailashnatha Temple
R. Bhitargaon Temple S. Lad Khan Temple
1. Gupta 2. Chalukya 3. Lodhi 4. Chola 5. Pallava
60. A 5m x 5m x3m room has four 230mm thick external brick walls. Total wall fenestration is 10 sqm. The temperature difference between indoor and outdoor is 2 deg Celsius. Air to air transmittance value for 230mm thick wall and 20mm thick aerated concrete block wall is 2.4 and 1.7 W/sqmdegCelsius respectively. If brick walls are replaced with aerated concrete block wall, then the change in the conductive heat flow through the wall is ___________W.
(Please confirm in the comment box if the temperature difference is 2 or 20 deg Celsius)
Thank you Gautham for correction.
61. The sound power level of an outdoor non-directional point source is 90dB. Considering an atmospheric impedance of 400 rayls, the sound pressure level at 10m distance from the source is ________dB.
62. Planning norms for schools.
Schools | Population | Land required per school |
Elementary | one per 2500 | 0.4 hectare |
Primary | one per 5000 | 1.0 hectare |
Secondary | one per 12500 | 2.0 hectares |
The land area required for providing all types of schools for a population of 2 Lacks is ___________hectares.
63. Match building characteristics with seismic consequences.
P. Re-entrant corner Q. Floating column
R. Irregular storey Stiffness S. Gap between adjacent buildings
1. Soft storey 2. Stress concentration 3. Load path discontinuity
4. Vertical asymmetry 5. Pounding
64. Match building material with property
P. Cement Q. Steel R. Wood S. Glass
1. Charring 2. Brittle 3. Evaporation 4. Tensile strength 5. Setting time
65. Match urban conservation themes with respective descriptions.
P. Restoration Q. Reconstruction R. Reconstitution S. Replication
1. Piece by piece re-assembly 2. Returning to previous stage 3. Physical addition 4. Re-creation of vanished elements 5. Re-production of an exact copy
Expected closing rank for mcp at kgp ??
What was highest mark last year
Does anyone know about various recruitment openings in PSU through GATE 2018?
Anybody knows what the highest marks for this year is??
Post Your Marks and ranks below please;
For comparison with previous years and for future reference for coming years..
Please post other mark and ranks that you know also
This will be helpful for all
Thanks in advance.
21 with 72.6
What about you?
11 with 74.33 863/1000
Gate result announced cut off 43.9, 39.5, 29.5
How did you do mj?
Colg can i get for 286 rank…?
Final Answer Keys Available Now,
The Challenge on inclusive growth is accepted.
Corrected answer is (A) or (B) or (C)
Congrats for candidates who challenged the question.
As I expected, No other challenges on answer keys accepted.
How much are you expecting LR?
do iit roorkee (MURP) iit kharagpur (MCP) conduct interview for admission or is it only on gate score? where to find latest information regarding this? the websites dont seem to show anything in particular.
IIT Roorkee conducts interview for M.arch and M.U.R.P both. 30% selection will be based on interview and 70% on the basis of gate score.
what do thy ask in interview …..i took interior in my b.arch…now i want to switch to urban ….is it possible ?
What is the minimum percentage required in B.Arch to get in IITs(IIT Kgp specifically)? Do they consider B.Arch marks at all or admission is just based on your GATE score?
If anyone has challenged the additional built up area question with logic of percentage of A over B = 2.5/10*100 = 25% ??
The Question paper was just as hard as the last one. The only difference is that , they convinced us that the paper was easy by using trick questions.
What will be expected cut off ?
MJ are you crazy ? For any exam the cutoff moves around 33% – 40% of the highest marks secured.
Use some common sense , the cutoff you are suggesting is nearly 50 %
In 2015 cut off was nearly 43
..so don’t be surprised this time. Nd use ur commonsense as pr paper difficulty nd canditure expected marks..
Paper wasn’t that easy brother I too expect 50+ score, BTW I don’t know whether what you are saying is true or not but still 45 won’ t be the cutoff this year.
2015 qs was conventional type..those who prepared well did good..thats why cut off and highest increased..both in 2016 and 2018 were unconventional pattern, seems easy though after exam..people without preparation did well comparably..and in 2016 gen people got 70+ rank for 50+ marks..in 2017, 45 rank with 58 marks when the paper was tough conventional..no one can actually tell what will happen this time..only hoping for the best.
i think now it all clear..cut off is almost 44…so being a person always try to use ur common sense..
I owe an apology if it hurts . You were right and I feel nothing wrong in admitting it.
Hi Admin, what rank can be expected for 50 mark in general category?
Hi admin, whats the expected rank for score between 47-50.. Can u please give me link to know about last year cutoff of colleges.. TIA
Last year cutoff was 35.2
I am expecting marks around 61. What do you think about the rank?
I am expecting 54 marks, can I expect a rank under 70?
dear admin is 35 marks are safe score for obc category
Any idea regarding the cutoff for general and OBC this year? Is 55 a safe score?
Cut – off for general expecting in the range 34-38 and for OBC 30-35
55 is a good score
This does make me feel hopeful! 🙂 But I’m trying my best to not have high expectations and later deal with disappointment! Let’s hope the qualifying mark is within the expected range! Considering quite a large number of people found the paper easier this year, I’m a bit worried about the cutoff.. Fingers crossed for the results! Good luck everyone!
Hi, for 40 marks.What do you think the rank could be?
Did anyone calculate their score according to the released answer key? How much are you expecting?
Anyone planning to challenge that question on inclusive growth?
I think it can be easily challenged as other options are also correct.
Right! And the article is on the official page of UN itself, so the question could be challenged!
Inclusive growth
answer can be Economic well-being/ Physical infrastructure/Education
If anyone want to challenge, can use these
These links are very much helpful! Thank you!
Please challenge the question! I think it would work out if a bunch of people challenge it with proper supportive material (like links, pdf etc)
Discuss below if anyone planning to challenge official answer keys. (Use question no. as given in OFFICIAL QUESTION PAPER and answer key)
Questions can be challenged from 21st to 23rd.
Successful challenges will be refunded.
The question on rainwater collection – 42nd question.
Answer- 14.4 hrs
Its 15, Dont lose your money.
Area = 100 sqm
Rain fall 60mm/hr = .06m/hr
Collection per hour = 6 cum./hr
After 20% loss = 4.8 cum./hr
Time taken to fill the tank completely = 72/4.8 = 15 hrs
Another way to calculate
1 hr – 6 cum. collected – 4.8 cum. stored
10 hr – 60 cum. collected – 48 cum. stored
15 hr – 90 cum. collected – 72 cum. stored
While calculating in your method
you took 1.2×72 = 86.4 cum to be collected
you collected 86.4 cum,
you stored 86.4 x 80/100 = 69.12
In your method you should calculate like below
Total to be collected = y
80% of y stored , y(80/100) = 72
that means ……. 0.8y = 72
y= 72/0.8 = 90cum.
that is 90 cum. has to be collected and we loss 20% of that to collect 72 cum
Time taken to fill the tank completely = 90/6 = 15 hrs
or you should have calculated as 72 x 1/0.8 = 90 cum.
instead of 72 x 1.2
Thank you! I realised the mistake! 🙂
Storage : 1. Act of storing
2. State of being stored
When case 2 is considered by after having read the question 1.e water having been stored in the tank and the loss happening then due to whatever factors(like percolation into the surrounding soil through the walls of the tank or anything else) :
Volume of the tank = 72cum
Loss of 20% = .2*72= 14.4cum
Total volume of storage necessary to fill up the tank in spite of 20% loss = 72+14.4 = 86.4cum
Water collected on the roof /hr = 60mm = .06m
Total volume collected on roof/hr = .06*100 = 6cum
Therefore, necessary time to fill the tank = 86.4/6 = 14.4hrs
The ambiguity in the question lies in the meaning that one attributes to the word “storage”. Is it the ‘process of storing’ or ‘the state of being store’. If you go by the ‘process of storing’ then the answer would be 15. If you go by ‘the state of something being stored’ then the answer would be 14.4.
The above point is valid since they have mentioned about 20% loss during storage (and not during the process of collection) and storage could be thought of as an act of storage or the state of being stored..
LR, is there any question which you think could be challenged?
The question on inclusive growth only. I don’t think any other questions has to be challenged.
This is the only challenge accepted
Can we challenge Q55 of gate paper…the built-up area qestion ..
Site -10 ha
total height -45 m
Option A floor to floor height is 3.6 m
Option B floor to floor height is 4.5m
No. Of floor in option A -45/3.6= 12.5
No. Of floor in option B – 45/4.5= 10
So additional built-up achieved by A Shud be 25% not 20%
okay pr , i gave the same answer like you but the way gate guys have solved it is 20 % , coz no. of floors can’t be in decimal , either it can be 12 or 13 and according to the decimal round off rule we have to take 12 (coz its 12.5 , if it was above 12.5 like 12.6 or 12.9 we would have to take 13 as round off digit) so 12-2=2 so the answer is 20% , well i am just telling you the way they have solved you can try your luck . best of luck man …
Thanxx rohit
Please check official answer keys and comment your marks below. so that we can predict cut-off and ranks.
I am expecting around 65
What about you?
What rank would that fetch me?
Congrats! Expect a rank below 15 according to last years rank analysis
Whaaaat?! Thanks. Although i am still a bit skeptical about it. Best to keep our expectations low
May have changes this year… but not much 🙂
Can you please tell what range of rank could be expected with 50 mark (general)
Answer key is out
Admin Please Update Answers
9. (D)
According to Sharma and Ali (1986)
TSI=0.067 T(w) + 0.162 T(g) – 0.449V^(1/2) – 1.197
TSI Increases with increase in WBT
TSI Increases with increase in Globe Temp.
TSI Decreases with increase in air velocity
14. (D)
The WTC was primarily a lightweight steel structure;
The major events include the following:
The airplane impact with damage to the columns
The ensuing fire with loss of steel strength and distortion
The collapse, which generally occurred inward without significant tipping
17. 5.4
18. (A)
19. To be confirmed (A)/(B)/(C)
35 indicators
Economic Growth and Employment
Access and Inputs to Education and Health
Access to Basic Infrastructure Utilities and Services
Gender Equality and Opportunity
20. (A)
options includes rm. which is used professionally
Standard method is sqm.
Admin please note: m is not there on options, its rm
21. (A)
22. (B)
23. (D)
24. (B)
25. (B)
26. (D)
27. (C)
28. (B)
29. 7
30. (D)
31. (C)
32. (D)
33. (B)
34. (B)
35. 107
36. (A)
37. (A)
38. (D)
39 440
40 8100
41 (D)
Integrated cluster action plan ICAP – RuRBAN mission
Service Level Imp. plan (SLIP) – AMRUT
Housing For All Plan of Action(HFAPoA) – PMAY
city livelihood and development plan – NULM
44 (D)
Illuminance – Lumens/sqm
Luminous Intensity – Candela
Luminance – Candela/sqm
Luminous Efficacy – Lumens/watt
Minimum refuge area 0.3 sqm./person
Max Travel Distance 30 m
Max Occupant Load 12.5 sqm./person
Minimum stair width 2.0 m
46. 3.75 amp.
47. 4.5
48. 600
49. (A)
50. (D)
51. 7.8
52. 20%
53. 15
Islamabad – C A Doxiadis
Tel Aviv – Patrick Geddes
Bhubaneshwar – Otto Königsberger
Brasilia – Lucio Costa
M20 = 1:1.5:3
ratio Sum = 1+1.5+3=5.5
Shrinkage or safety Factor =1.54 to 1.57 (Data not provided)
Total volume of wet concrete=1.57cum
Volume of cement = (1/5.5) x 1.57 = 0.285 m3
= 0.285 x1440 = 411 kg
(Data not provided)
8.22 bags
56. 225
57. Correction in question : inlet P and outlet Q of 2 sqm each (NOT 25)
Ans. 21600
58. Agora – Market place or Public square
Ziggurat – Built in diminishing stage of masonry with buttressed wall
Mastaba – Tomb made of mud brick
Synagogue – Place of Jewish worship
59. Brihadeshwara Temple – Chola
Kailashnatha Temple – Pallava
Bhitargaon Temple – Gupta
Lad Khan Temple – Chalukya
60. 70W
61. 59 db (by Jay Bihani in discussions below)
62. 104 Hectares
63. Re-entrant corner – Stress concentration
Floating column – Load path discontinuity
Irregular storey Stiffness – Soft storey
Gap between adjacent buildings – Pounding
64. Cement – Setting time
Steel – Tensile strength
Wood – Charring
Glass – Brittle
65 Restoration – Returning to previous stage
Reconstruction – Re-creation of vanished elements
Reconstitution – Piece by piece re-assembly
Replication – Re-production of an exact copy
53. 14.4 hrs could also be the right answer.
28. C
Yaa its C
what is wrong with que. no. 16 ?
isn’t that supposed to be in Ahmedabad!! Option C please recheck
YES , its Ahemedabad
Yes, Thanks for correction!
53. A building with 100 sqm roof area is connected to a 72 cum rain water collection tank. If the rain fall is 60mm/hr and the loss during water storage 20%, then the time taken to fill the tank completely is __________hrs.
Admin, when calculating the loss of 20%, should it be with respect to the volume of water collected on the roof or the volume of water in the tank? There’s really an ambiguity here.
15 hrs
14.4 hrs if you consider the 20% loss in volume of the storage tank .
The WTC was primarily a lightweight steel structure;
The major events include the following:
The airplane impact with damage to the columns
The ensuing fire with loss of steel strength and distortion
The collapse, which generally occurred inward without significant tipping
Admin, how good is a score of about 55? What would be the approximate gate score for this mark?
A, what can be said is a decent rank & score!
19. According to UN, one of the component for measuring ‘Inclusive growth’ is
A. Economic well-being
B. Physical infrastructure
C. Education
D. Life expectancy
Economic well-being.
Physical infrastructure
page 7?
This question could be challenged! Because economic growth alone isn’t a part of inclusive growth. A number of other factors have been added in the recent times.
And more importantly the article is on the official website of UN itself!
20. Unit of Damp Proof Course (DPC) is
A. kg B. cum C. sqm D. rm
Sqm, but In professional field its rm
Which is correct?
Sqm.. In everyday usage, it is addressed in running meters though it isn’t how DPC is actually calculated.
can we challenge tis qestion …becoz rumning meter is also correct ….?
Ans n soln for qn 60, anyone?
q = (k / s) A dT
= U A dT
for 230 thick wall
q = 2.4 x 50 x 2 = 240 W
for 20 thick concrete block
q = 1.7 x 50 x 2 (Taking temp difference as 2)
= 170 W
change in heat flow is 70W
Admin, for the 56th qn regarding the negative BM, are we supposed to enter the answer as 225 or -225? As it is already mentioned negative in the qn, I’m confused. Are both answers right?
GD, both should be right because it is just a sign convention. Different authors use different sign convention for the same question. Even the official answer of previous year GATE exams could be produced as proof if the examiner doesn’t award marks. (negative sign in the question might have been used as a trap to look like a difficult question to be asked for the first time)
According to my knowledge, there wasn’t any such problem regarding the sign convention fr the past few years. The previous answer keys have solutions ranging from x to y, but not for the sign. Will it be worth challenging the qn in case a problem arises?
14. World Trade Center (WTC) in 2001collapsed due to
A. Wind load failure
B. Foundation failure
C. Thermal performance failure of reinforced steel in RCC
D. Thermal performance failure of structure steel.
answer is D, right?
C , it is mentioned in MIT RESEARCH PAPER
Could you please share the link of the paper? There seems to be different answers (C/D) between different websites.
Kindly give me your email I’d
[email protected]
See page 91
Isn’t the MIT research paper talking about ‘structural steel tubes’ and not reinforced steel in RCC? WTC isn’t a RCC structure.
In case if it was made up of solely the steel tube , you could be right but the core of the structure was made of RCC , READ the whole text carefully.
i also think so
it’s D
It’s not a matter of your thought , it’s the fact that matters
THE COLLAPSE – “As the joists on one or two of the most heavily burned floors gave way and the outer box columns began to bow outward, the floors above them also fell.”
As per this journal, I presume the joists refer to structural steel. Please correct me if I’m mistaken.
The question asks about the failure of whole etc and not the outer and inner portion
Absolutely no other report matters before the final report presented by the official body entrusted with the work to examine the failure of WTC. Look into that report!
The WTC was primarily a lightweight steel structure;
The major events include the following:
The airplane impact with damage to the columns
The ensuing fire with loss of steel strength and distortion
The collapse, which generally occurred inward without significant tipping
Haven’t you heard of RCC joist !!!!!
Dude, look into the official report. What I have heard or what you have heard doesn’t matter here! Let’s talk sense.
I am not saying you said that , let the answerkeys be issued .
30. ‘Town Planning Scheme’ refers to
A. Land renewal
B. Land rejuvenation
C. Land reclamation
D. Land readjustion
17. A room of size 3m x 3m x 3m has reverberation time of 0.8 sec. The total absorption in the room is ________ sabin.???
Is it 5.4?
Yeah..5.4 sabin
Can anyone tell me the last year’s minimum qualifying marks for all the categories ???
Senior told it was 35 for General, 32 for OBC
33 percent of the highest marks secured
Admin, I’m expecting 50-55 marks, what rank can i expect?
Considering paper was easier than last year I guess around 150-200. Even I am expecting a similar range.
LR, expect better rank. As there are varied range of opinions, it seems difficult to guess.
I am expecting 100 marks , what does it mean , expectation hardly meets reality !!! Please relate your answers with the key IIT-G shall be providing shortly.
I m getting 58 marks …what rank I can expect
Answer for question 50?
Option D is correct.
Link1 for symbol for Emergency Light: http://www.conceptdraw.com/diagram/ceiling-spot-light-symbol
Link2 for symbol for Bio-hazards: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZdnHg3cnYs
If that is the case what about option 1 , see the link above , it is of Stanford University standards
Anand, in option 1, symbol for Bio-hazards doesn’t match correctly.
I mean it must be Option C
Well the question is ambiguous in itself , an instruction for hearing impaired can be given in a same way as the speech impaired would impart his information.
Also see page 33
MAS, thank you. Good insight.
57. An isolated enclosure shown in the figure has inlet P and outlet Q of 25 sqm each, on the opposite walls. The outdoor wind speed is 5m/sec. If coefficient of effectiveness is 0.6, the rate of natural ventilation in the enclosure due to wind action is __________cum/hr?
Anyone solved?
Wasn’t it inlet and outlet area of 2 sqm each? Anyway, the answer I got was 21600.. Might be incorrect also!
21600..mine too
11. Assuming other variable remaining constant, the “Tropical Summer Index”
A. Increases with increase in air velocity
B. Decrease with increase in WBT (Wet Bulb Temperature)
C. Decrease with increase in global temperature
D. Increase with increase in vapor pressure
Answer D or A
Increases with increase in vapour pressure because rest three possibilities are wrong if you go by the equation for tropical summer index.
A building with 100 sqm roof area is connected to a 72 cum rain water collection tank. If the rain fall is 60mm/hr and the loss during water storage 20%, then the time taken to fill the tank completely is __________hrs.
Is the answer 15 or 14.4?
I think, answer key is released, please now calculate and comment about cutt off . Let’s see if the answers we gave was correct or not , now we can guess for expected cutt off .
Who the hell says that paper was easy , it was just like the previous year papers , the only fact is that most of the questions were tempting and made us feel like we know about their answers but reality was somewhat different .
A decent paper I must say.
The paper wan’t easy by any means. I guess everyone’ been just saying that it was easy. At the max, the cut off may increase by 2-3 marks from the previous year cut off, definitely not more than that..
If anyone has solved, what is be the answer for the 57th question?
Was it 21600? I’m not sure either.. Just a guess!
Yaa 21600
Are you sure??
Admin , what rank can I expect 45-47 , specifically, please according to previous cutt off ??
RR, expected rank could be AIR 250-350. This year cut-off would be higher than the previous year. So, rank@45-47 marks in GATE 2018 would be lower than the previous year.
okay , great , one more thing if i have to use this score for next year then will they consider the rank according to this score ??
RR, GATE score is irrespective of GATE year unless they do not change the formula for calculating GATE score.
I am expecting 47 to 50 with OBC , will I be able to make IIT-kgp
How much is needed for a rank within 100 this year? Is 50+ is a safe score?
Ruma, yep. 50+ is a safe score.
What are my chances of getting IIT-KGP with OBC category and around 40-50 marks.
Anand, mostly it depends on this year cut-off. 40-50 marks range seems not secure. (There is big difference between 40 marks and 50 marks)
What would be my gate score if I have around 44-46 marks
One of the question between 46-49 was
Dead load 18 tonne , live load 12 toner , facto of safety 1.5 and load on column as 10 tonne/ sqm , area of footing in sqm________
Answer : 2 sqm
Isn’t it 4.5 sqm?? 30×1.5=45 and 45/10=4.5 sqm
Ultimate Strength / Design Load
yes it is 4.5sq.m
I am expecting around 50 , what rank must I expect in GATE 2018 AR exam.
I’m myself expecting marks around 45-50.
My guess is the rank will be around 300-600.
A decent rank! May be AIR 40 to 100.
Everyone is saying cutoff will be high so I am assuming for 40-100 we’ll be needing 55-60, no?
Let the result come man , if every one is saying so , lets just wait . Is there any one who remember the question no 46-50 ?
What do you expect for OBC category if I am expecting 40-45 marks , will I be able to make IIT-KGP.
it depends upon cut off..if cut off would be similar to last year then ur rank must be around 180-200
I Am still confused, half the answers i gave was correct , but after seeing this comments am in a dilemma of even cutt off . I think paper was easy but tricky to make students confuse in the question itself . Half of the students are interested in knowing the answers but i think its more about questions to understand. The whole point is to understand students concerned about the diverse design program in working as well as creative .
A builder develops 12 hectare site. Developmental cost is 300 million rs per hectare. Assuming the saleable area as 60% calculate the selling price in million per hectare so as to provide the builder a profit of 20%
Ans: 360 ? 600?
At first I thought its 360 but then i read it again and it was 600 . I am still confused!
total developmental cost = 300X12 = 3600 million
profit = 20%
total selling cost = 3600+20%
= 3600+720 = 4320 million
saleable area = 60% of 12 hectare
= .6X12 = 7.2 hectare
selling cost per hectare = 4320/7.2
= 600 million
Is 600 million profit of 20% !!! Think ?
Power supply is 110w. What will be the current if voltage is 330v with power factor 0.8?
Ans: 3.75 a (probably)
P = V I cosφ, cos φ is power factor
I = P/(V cosφ) = 110/(330x.8) = .417
Sorry. The ques was P= 330 and V=110
So 3.75 is the right answer
6. If x2 + x – 1 = 0 then the value of x4 + 1/x4 is
answer is 7
7. An automobile travel from city A to city B and returns to city A by the same route. It cover the onwards journey @ 60km/hr and return journey @ 90km/hr. What is the average speed of the entire journey?
avg. speed = 72km/hr
8. For 0 ≤ x ≤ π , Sinx and Cosx are both decreasing function in the interval ____________
both decreasing function in the interval (π/2, π)
9.To pass a test, a candidate needs to answer at least 2 out of 3 questions correctly. Total no. of candidates are 6.3 Lacks. Number of candidates that answered correctly to question A is 3.3 Lacks, to question B is 2.5 Lacks, to question C is 2.6 Lacks. Number of candidates that answered correctly to questions A & B is 1 Lack, to questions B & C is 90K, to questions C & A is 80 K. If number of students answering all questions correctly is the same as the number of candidates answering none, how many candidates failed to clear the test?
4.2 Lacks
10. In a detailed study of annual crow birth in India, it was found that there was relatively no growth during period 2002-2004 and a sudden spike from 2004 – 2005. In another unrelated study, it was found that revenue from cracker sale in India which remained fairly flat from 2002-2004, saw a sudden spike in 2005 before declining again in 2006. Solid line shows sale of cracker while dash line represents crow birth in the graph.
Choose the most appropriate inference from the above data.
ans. There is a strong correlation between crow birth and cracker sale.
1. Area of an Equilateral triangle is √3. The perimeter of the triangle will be
The perimeter of the triangle will be 6
2. “When she fell down the ___________, she received many _________but little help.” Select the most appropriate option.
Stairs, Stares
3. Inspite of being warned repeatedly, he failed to correct his _______________ behavior.
C. Errant
4. Array in descending orders of their volumes.
(iv) Sphere of radius 7cm
(iii) Cylinder with base radius 7cm and height 7cm
(ii) Cube with side of 8 cm
(i) Cuboid with 10cm x 8cm x 6cm
5. A set of four parallel line intersect with another set of 5 parallel lines. How many parallelograms are formed?
Stair width – 2.0 metres
Refuge area – 0.3 sqm per person
Occupant load – 12.5 sqm per person
Units for Luminance, luminous intensity, illuminance
52. Two design options of a business building on a 10 hectare site are being compared for built up area. Floor to floor height of option A is 3.6m and that of option B is 4.5m. If maximum allowable building height is 45m with same ground coverage for both options, the additional built up area achievable in option A over option B is __________%
Ans 25%
20 %
45/3.6 = 12.5 Floors ≈ 12 Floors
(Because number of floors has to be a whole number, so we’ll take the maximum possible whole number i.e. 12)
62. Planning norms for schools.
Land required per school
one per 2500
0.4 hectare
one per 5000
1.0 hectare
one per 12500
2.0 hectares
The land area required for providing all types of schools for a population of 2 Lacks is ___________hectares
34 hectare
Isn’t it
32+40+32 = 104?
Sorry 104
Ans should be 104 hectares
Hey please check your answer before posting it Surabhi. The answer was 104
34 hectare is right ans
please explain
29. A 25 storey building has 5 lifts. Resulting waiting time is 35 sec and ‘returning time’ is 175 sec. The no. of lift required for reducing waiting time to 25 sec without increasing lift speed is
7 lifts
We already have 5 lifts, so ans should be 7-5= 2 lifts
What was the question exactly? How many more lifts required or No of lifts required in total?
I guess the question asked total lifts required
More lift required
Ans 2
The building already has 5 lifts. So answer is 2 lifts.
Question was The no. of lift required
So the answer is 7
But was confusing, hence probably will give mark for 2 also
61. The sound power level of an outdoor non-directional point source is 90dB. Considering an atmospheric impedance of 400 rayls, the sound pressure level at 10m distance from the source is ________dB.
59 dB
Any one for the question related to No. of Lifts ?
Ans :- 2 ?
was it no. of extra lifts required ?
11. Assuming other variable remaining constant, the “Tropical Summer Index”
A. Increases with increase in air velocity
B. Decrease with increase in WBT (Wet Bulb Temperature)
C. Decrease with increase in global temperature
D. Increase with increase in vapor pressure
Answer is A
I think it’s D
D or A?
it increases with all other conditions also
Required indoor illuminance is 350 lux. Outdoor sunlight level illuminance is 9000 lux, If daylight factor is 2.7, find the amount of additional artificial lighting required.
D=( ei/eo)*100
2.7=( ei/9000)*100
So 350-243=107 lux
Thanks gate architecture for last 5 years solved paper. It helped a lot for preparation of gate 2018.
Sushant, you are welcome!
Xeriscaping-requiring little or no water
Drip line – outer most width of the tree
Turf with paver – solution for soil erosion and water permeability
Swale –
Xeriscaping-requiring little or no water
Drip line – outer most width of the tree
Turf with paver – solution for soil erosion and water permeability
Swale –drainage in line of trees
Vegitative drain
Another qn, sorry don’t remember all options!
PMAY / NULM / Make in India / AMRUT
Qn 35. Required indoor illuminance is 350 lux. Outdoor sunlight level illuminance is 9000 lux, If daylight factor is 2.7, find the amount of additional artificial lighting required
What is the ans for the Q.9 how many students failed the test if minimum correct answers to pass is 2 out of 3?
37. The Shard – Renzo Piano
Different Qn based on construction – dont remember the full qn though…
Bahai temple / notre dame
Double dome / Space Frame / Shell structure / flying buttress
bahai temple – shell structure
double dome – cathedral florence
flying buttress – notre dame, paris
suspended floor – olympic stadia, tokyo
Qn 60. Difference in temperature was 2 deg celsius!
Which of the flolowing is not used in BIM?
A. Adobe Illustrator
B. Bentley Microstation
C. Autodesk Revit
D. ArchiCAD
Ans. A. Adobe Illustrator
Qn 12. Altitude angle
qno 12. azimuth angle is correct???
Qn 15. Tartan grid
A point load of 20 Kn is acting on the free end of a cantilever beam of span 5m. An UDL of 10 KN/m is also acting on the whole span of the beam. What will be the bending moment at fixed end?
125 ?
Bamboo is a perennial grass!!
4 parallel lines intersect with a set of 5 different parallel lines. How many polygons are created
How? It should be 48
4C2 x 5C2
2 hectare plot with FAR 2. Ratio of residential to commercial is 3:2 and parking required for residential is 1 ecs per 100sqm, for commercial is 1.25ecs per sqm.
Calculate total ecs
Total buildable area=20000×2=40000Sq.m
Residential area (3/5)x40000=24000sq.m
No.of ECS for residential =(24000/100)x1=240
No.of Ecs for commercial=(16000/100)x1.25=200
So the total no.of Ecs=440
A housing with 60 dwelling units and 5 residents per du uses 135lpcd. If 80% of need is met by recycled water, what is the daily requirement of water
Descending order of volume
Sphere of radius 7> cyclinder base radius 7 and height 7>cube of side 8>cuboid 10x8x6
Question was easy but some numerical were difficult…Overall easy paper..but pattern were not followed…
If the question was easy then you might be getting topped , don’t you ! Stop making such nonsense comments
Area of equilateral triangle is √3
Find its perimeter
Area of eq triangle = √3/4 a^2
Minimum turning radius for fire truck
9 m
Damp proof course is measured in
Sqm…but in professional field it is calculated in running meter;i.e rm
Question:- Arhitect of hall of nations – Raj Rewal
Question(1-Mark):- Full form of Hriday
Answer:- Heritage City Development and Augmentation Yojana
When are you guys giving the solution of GATE Architecture 2018?
I want to check the paper…..????????
Adit, we are just doing it. Join us in discussion! 😀
sin and cos value decrease in interval 2 pie to 3/2 pie
pi/2 to pie
This time paper was easy but the numericals were difficult. There was no pattern followed for the numericals. Even the obvious topics of numericals were not there.